A subpoena is a type of legal request that requires the recipient to either appear before court and deliver oral testimony or produce documents or tangible evidence key to the case.
To subpoena testimony, a court would issue a subpoena ad testificandum. To subpoena documents, it would require a subpoena tuces decum.
Translated from Latin, “subpoena” literally means “under penalty” and comes with fines, jail time, and other penalties should the recipient fail to comply with the order.
How to Subpoena Documents
Whether they’re medical records, contracts, deeds, or accounting statements, documents are often the key pieces of evidence in a legal claim. But gathering those documents? That’s often harder than it should be.
Unless the parties holding the documents are willing to hand them over, no questions asked, you’ll have to use a subpoena to gather the evidence you’re seeking.
Do you need to subpoena documents for a case you’re handling or are involved in? Here’s how the process works:
Keep in mind that subpoena rules and processes vary from state to state, so the method for subpoenaing documents may be slightly different in your region. Make sure you talk to the court clerk and fully understand your local subpoena processes before moving forward.
Pro Tips & Examples
Make sure your subpoena is directed at the person in charge of the documents you’re seeking, such as the records custodian, the department director, or the person in charge of the books/accounting.
Subpoenaing the wrong party is a common occurrence and often means you won’t get the documents you need in a timely fashion.
To better understand the importance of this, let’s look at a few real-world examples:
As you can see, it’s not always someone directly involved (or even slightly involved) in a case that gets subpoenaed. Generally, you want to be as specific as possible when subpoenaing documents and make sure to name the person as close to the source of the documents as possible.
Get Help With Your Subpoenas
Need to subpoena documents or testimony for one of your upcoming cases? Contact LORR today. Our citation and subpoena experts have decades of experience and are well versed in tracking down hard-to-find witnesses, as well as working with difficult records custodians. Get in touch for assistance.